
Date: 02-Jul-14

  1. Miscelaneous improvements to FLASH and PUMP units.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.11 

Date: 16-Jun-14

  1. Improved flow network convergence for the CLEANERS unit (Fiber Library).

New Release Version No. : 2.7.10 

Date: 28-May-14

  1. Fixed a problem with the PROPERTIES module that could cause a crash if looking up Freezing Point Depression of an ORGANIC compound.
  2. Fixed a bug that could cause exporting to PDF to crash if the drawing contains new-style reactions specifications.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.09 

Date: 16-May-14

  1. Improved the properties of C2H2 to allow combustion.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.08 

Date: 01-May-14

  1. Corrected a problem which caused incorrect display of percent solids information for the Viscosity page in the Compound Editor. It should have displayed a temperature-based equation.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.07 

Date: 02-Apr-14

  1. Fixed a problem with HEAT EXCHANGER that could cause calculation problems if some components have zero flow.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.06 

Date: 10-Oct-13

  1. Fixed a problem with the Standard Library PUMP unit which caused Power calculations to not be displayed.
  2. Fixed a problem in the BURNER unit which caused problems with stack gas temperatures when efficiency calculations are used. Also, fixed a problem with displayed units for HHV of user-defined fuels.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.05

Date: 27-Aug-13

  1. Fixed a bug which prevented the specification line selection filter from locating Measurement spec lines.
  2. Improved the specification wizard to allow the Network spec type to be chosen (when appropriate) when using the Replace button.
  3. Fixed a bug which could cause edting of a Network spec to display incorrect information.
  4. Fixed a bug in Tower and High Density units, which could cause indices to be misaligned, resulting in incorrect values being displayed at runtime.
  5. Misc. improvements to Ramp and Euler units.
  6. Additional filter types added for measurements.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.04 

Date: 31-Jul-13

  1. Improved screen refresh (guidelines and anchor point) when Tools > Options > Dimensions is used to switch a drawing between inches and mm’s.
  2. Fixed a problem that could cause a Floating Point Divide by Zero error when HTML pages are loaded or refreshed in a Computer Based Manual (CBM) project.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.03 

Date: 28-Jun-13

  1. Made a number of improvements to allow more flexible user-defined compound creation (with and without molecular weight and/or formula).
  2. Fixed a problem that affected the loading of Startup Dynamic Profile data.
  3. Fixed a bug related to the deleting a variable and existing formats.
  4. Improved retension of current settings for controllers when editing.
  5. Fixed a possible problem with COM support for data rec functions.

New Release Version No. : 2.7.02 

Date: 15-May-13

1) New release of CADSIM Plus includes the following new and improved features:

CADSIM Plus Version 2.7 new features:

Chemical Reactions:

+ A new mechanism for modeling chemical reactions allows multiple reactions to be contained in a single specification icon that is placed on the unit to eliminate specification clutter. Reactions are presented to users as equations with some parameters available for tuning at runtime. User-defined reactions equations can be edited. Selected process units (such as O2DELIG D STAGE E STAGE and EOP STAGE modules in the optional Fiber Library) have suggested, built-in reactions that can be used.

New Modules:

+ Standard Library
+ DEOPTIM (new optimization method)

+ Fiber Library (optional – includes new bleach plant example simulation)

+ Power Library (optional)

Improved Modules:

+ Standard Library
+ TOWER (new stock tracking abilities)
+ HIGH DENSITY STORAGE (new stock tracking abilities)
+ Power Library (optional)
+ BURNER (new boiler efficiency calculations)

Process Optimization:

+ A new Differential Evolution optimization module has been added to the Standard Library of process modules.

+ The CADSIM external optimizer (which can launch CADSIM Plus and run it remotely to perform a variety of optimization tasks) has been improved with a new keyword-based configuration file and new Differential Evolution optimization methods.

Dynamic Data Reconciliation:

+ Improved options for solving and controlling DDR models

Miscellaneous Improvements:

+ New Find End of Line utility allows you to automatically locate either end of a selected process line in drawing mode and in simulation mode
+ New Go To Coordinates utility helps you locate the cause of runtime error messages
+ New built-in Update from Web function allows easier location and installation of program updates
+ New zooming and panning functions allow the use the scroll wheel on the mouse to pan and zoom the drawing
+ Lock aspect ratio when inserting parts makes it easier to maintain the parts original height to width ratio when scaling a part
+ Customizable On/Off dialog box allows you to add keywords to customize the runtime labels of the MOMENTARY on/off switch

New Release Version No. : 2.7.01