Date: 02-Mar-12
- Increased the maximum number of layers in the TOWER unit from 200 to 2000.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.20
Date: 09-Sep-11
- Fixed a problem which caused the Insert Part list to not be refreshed when a new CADSIM part is created (the new part was not added to the list).
- Fixed a bug which could be caused by clicking on the drawing while a text or line Inspector is being opened on a large drawing.
- Corrected an error which caused drawings with phyical properties overrides to run slower than when the same drawing is run without overrides.
- Also corrected a problem that caused saving a drawing with merged XML overrides to fail.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.19
Date: 25-Aug-11
- Improved solids handling in CLARIFIER, PHASE SEPARATOR, HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units for streams other than Paper (fiber).
- Fixed a problem which could cause large scale drawing sets to lose their line arrow heads when exported or plotted.
- Fixed a problem with calculated head pressure when Gauge pressures are used in HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.18
Date: 08-Jul-11
- Fixed a bug that could result in a stack overflow error if a unit was given as a user-defined variable, that could also be a unit variable under differing conditions (eg. AREA is added to a TANK unit if pressure is NOT a stream variable).
- Fixed a bug which could cause a format edit operation to later cause an SDEF edit operation to corrupt a stream definition.
- Added code to moderate the effect on enthaplies of Steam when the stream temperature is above 5000C and/or the pressure is above 20,000 kPa.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.17
Date: 26-May-11
- Removed a hardwired limit on maximum pressure (5000 Kpa) from the Flash unit.
- Added warning messages for duplicated unit inlet and outlet stream names.
- Added case in-sensitivity to checks for duplicated stream names.
- Added ability to SAVEALL unit to allow it to treat other liquids as if they were WATER.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.16
Date: 04-May-11
- Fixed a problem with the LAG unit that could cause a runtime C exception if the lag time was set to a very large number (now limited to 100 days).
- Fixed a problem that could result in CADSIM Plus hanging or odd messages when specifying pressure networks.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.15
Date: 05-Apr-11
- Fixed a problem that prevented specifying a controller on a stream variable that would control the same variable, eg. put a controller on WATER to control WATER.
- Fixed a cosmetic issue where an incorrect dialog checkbox option appeared on the Edit Part Parameters form.
- Fixed a problem that prevent some units from passing or accepting negative stream component values.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.14
Date: 15-Feb-11
- Corrected a potential memory leak in the HighDensity module.
- Corrected saturation pressure, saturation temperature, and binary interaction perameters for Iso Pentane in Standard physical properties.
- Updated the installers to extract COM registry information from .exe and .ocx files and force registration at install time.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.13
Date: 28-Dec-10
- Corrected a problem with EXCHANGER units, where the SHELL pressure was not being set when the TUBE side is networked and no pressure is set locally.
- Added Nitrogen Pv to CADSIM Plus standard physical properties, to be used with the default Ideal Gas, so that it can be used for phased VLE calculations if needed.
- Fixed a problem with the incremental search feature of the Find Component form in the SDEF wizard.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.12
Date: 16-Dec-10
- Fixed a potential divide by zero error in the UPTIME unit, when initial uptime and downtime values are all set to zero.
- Fixed a bug which could cause a divide by zero error when Wilson VLE components have a zero flow.
- Added the ability to perform neutralization for streams with H+ and OH- ions so that the product of those molar concentrations equals the water constant kW. Affects ADDER, MIXER, REACTOR, HIGH DENSITY and TOWER units.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.11
Date: 07-Dec-10
- Made a number of improvements to the SDEF wizard when displaying HyProc database compounds, including molecular formula hints on compounds, incremental search of compound lists, and an enlarged compound display area.
- Added a warning message to Copy and Make Part functions when exclusion criteria results in nothing selected.
- Added a tooltip to remind users to right-click on runtime stream and unit information dialog boxes to see link options.
- Fixed a bug which could result in the wrong list of variables being displayed when switching between stream types in the SDEF wizard.
- Added code to prevent divide by zero errors if a specification on a user- defined component is set to zero in a DIVISION spec.
- Fixed a minor bug that caused the Group highlight not to clear properly when using CBM display mode.
- Added a “Yes to All” button to some CADSIM Plus error messages.
- Added code to ‘grey out’ or prevent access (and exception errors) to the setpoint of a controller if it is set by another controller.
- Fixed a problem with arcs not being displayed correctly in some cases when a CADSIM drawing is converted using ViewCompanion Pro export utilities.
- Fixed a bug which could result in a memory error when using Print Preview.
- Updated HASP drivers to v5.95.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.10
Date: 19-Oct-10
- Fixed a problem that could cause a bad variable index for TOTAL_SUSP_SOL when used in specifying a flow-related stream variable.
- Made some improvements to automatic cursor positioning during various operations.
- Made some improvements to automatic dialog box positioning during various operations.
- Improved Copy and MakePart options when a unique part name is selected for either operation.
- Made some improvements to the Align Chart utility.
- Added a warning message when a variable is used twice in the same equation, resulting in a linear dependency for stream calculations.
- Improved revue/scrolling when charts have accumulated large amounts of data.
- Added a Find ID number button to certain runtime error messages.
- Updated translation files and certain unit messages for v2.5.
- Fixed an invalid variable index error with PRESSURE on an EXCHANGER unit.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.09
Date: 01-Oct-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause an exception error with the Align Charts tool is used.
- Fixed a problem with wrapping of derived variables names in the SDEF wizard.
- Added documentation to remind users that overrides of Heat Capacity (Cp) must always be presented in degrees Kelvin because S_S has a log term that cannot be calculated if it is less than or equal to zero.
- Fixed a problem where auto-lookup of variables for polygon formats was not filling in the default choice.
- Improved screen bitmap caching to allow more copies of CADSIM Plus to be run simultaneously in Windows.
- Removed a potential exception error when a specification operation is cancelled and then resumed.
- Removed a potential error that would present the wrong list of equation choices if a specification operation is cancelled and then resumed.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Tools > Options > Dimensions setting to corrupt the drawing by setting all Y-axis values to 0.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.08
Date: 24-Aug-10
- Fixed a bug which could result in CADSIM Plus erroneously offering a choice of more than one variable for one results format during editing.
- Fixed a problem where CADSIM Plus might silently choose a variable with a similer name for a specification, if a variable has been removed from the simulation model.
- Corrected a problem with the Text Inspector showing incorrect properties for text.
- CADSIM Plus will no longer copy the part name when a specification is copied from a part.
- Fixed a problem which could cause CADSIM Plus to become confused about the available free variables when editing a specification, after cancelling out of another specification.
- Corrected the calculation of moles (off by 1,000) when CADSIM Plus standard streams had metric tonnes per day as the mass flow units.
- A problem has been fixed which could cause Autotune to cause an exception if the “Put all controllers on manual” option was selected.
- Added warning messages to the EVAPORATOR unit when required matching stream layers were not used correctly.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.07
Date: 28-Jun-10
- Fixed a problem with the TANK/CHEST and HIGHDENSITY unitS that could cause an error if MAX_VOLUME and/or INITIAL_VOLUME are set to zero.
- Fixed a problem that could cause an error if an animation specification was edited, moved and then edited again.
- Corrected a problem that could cause the PROPERTIES module to fail with a C exception error.
- Made some improvements to a couple of translateable program messages.
- Fixed a problem which could cause an edited specification angle to also change the color of a specification line, back to the default color.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.06
Date: 10-Jun-10
- Fixed a problem with the REACTOR unit which could cause it to hang CADSIM Plus if there were very small flows and zero tank volumes.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.05
Date: 01-Jun-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause a COM link to Excel to hang when CADSIM receives non-numeric data from Excel.
- Fixed a problem that could cause the demo versions of CADSIM Plus to hang if the Autotune Wizard is used.
- Fixed a problem that could cause mouse clicks to be ignored after certain operations were performed, such as changing a line from process to non-process.
- Updated the tutorial exercises to include new sections on controller tuning, checking convergence and printing/plotting.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.04
Date: 05-May-10
- Fixed a bug which could cause a runtime exception error (and hang CADSIM Plus) when specification mode is run.
- Updated CADSIM Plus tutorial exercises with sections on the new Autotune controller tuning wizard, convergence checking and printing/plotting.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.03
Date: 27-Apr-10
- Made improvements to Dynamic Data Reconciliation filter types.
- Corrected a problem with the PROPERTIES module which was not calculating Freezing Point Depression (FPD) correctly.
- Corrected a couple of problems with the DEFAULT unit which was not correctly recognizing certain combination of ICE and BOUND materials in its inlet streams.
New Release Version No. : 2.5.02
Date: 20-Apr-10
New release of CADSIM Plus. Includes the following new and improved features:
Libraries Combined:
+ Standard CADSIM Plus package now includes these previously optional packages at no extra charge: Dynamic Data Reconciliation, OPC
Automated Controller Tuning Wizard (Autotune):
+ Bump tests, and process response analysis
+ Process model identification (self regulating/integrating, direct/indirect)
+ Setting Lambda tuning parameters (user can fine tune and test proposed settings)
+ Response quickness and stability are tested on simulation before committing
+ Simulation is restored to the state that existed prior to the tuning operation to avoid simulation upset
Computer Based Manuals for Training:
+ HTML pages can be integrated with ‘intelligent’ CADSIM Plus P&ID drawings
+ CADSIM Plus v2.5 has the ability to launch HTML content via Internet Explorer
+ Links within the HTML content can highlight predefined areas of a specially prepared drawing
+ Embedded links in a drawing can select HTML content in the browser
+ HTML content can be developed using standard HTML editing tools
New & Improved Unit Modules:
+ Pass-Through (adds the ability to suspend a unit from participating in the simulation model) – New
+ Flash (optional holdup and level control) – Improved
+ Uptime (now with Weibull distributions) – Improved
+ Heat Exchangers – Improved
+ Heaters / Coolers – Improved
+ Dynamic Data Reconciliation (allows pre-conditioning and filtering of individual measurements using Kalman) – Improved
+ Pipe (proportioning of viscosities of mixtures) – Improved
+ Compressor (now works within pressure flow networks, includes performance curves) – Improved
+ Excel spreadsheets help set up pump and compressor curves, and valve characteristics – New
Streams & Chemistry:
+ Improved stream flashing and vapor/liquid equilibria calculations
+ Improved water/ice liquid/solid equilibria including freezing point depression
Physical Properties:
+ Improved saturation temperatures
+ Improved enthalpys and entropies
+ New minerals
online Applications:
+ New Startup Dynamic Profile (process snapshot file) stores and retrieves startup values including unit dynamic profiles
+ CADSIM Plus drawing can spawn an external application
+ Support for cloning a simulation from an existing online tracking reconciliation simulation to:
– Display current data for the full process with stream details
– Run into the future
– Form the basis for online optimization trials
– Form the basis for ‘what-if’ scenarios starting from current operating parameters
+ OPC client is now included in the Standard Library of process module
Graphical User Interface Improvements:
+ Find Furthest Off function now displays steady-state convergence status in toolbar
+ New chart cleanup tool right-justifies and sorts open charts on your screen
+ Better window management on multiple screen workstations
+ New tool can convert text from an object to independent text
+ New tool can remove extra text from an object without deleting the object
+ Ctrl + Windowing can be used to select multiple areas of a drawing
Help System:
+ Updated Help system
New Release Version No.: 2.5.01