CADSIM Plus v3.0

Aurel Systems is pleased to announce that CADSIM Plus v3.0, our premier chemical process simulation tool, is now available. Upgrades from previous versions of CADSIM Plus are now available for purchase. Contact Aurel for more information.

CADSIM Plus is a third-generation process modeling tool which features an advanced drawing and modeling interface. CADSIM Plus combines the power of CAD drawing with the ease-of-use of today’s technical diagramming tools.

Note: the previous version of CADSIM Plus was v2.7

CADSIM Plus brochure (PDF)

Multi-document Interface

  • A new CADSIM Plus multi-document interface allows two or more CADSIM Plus drawings to be developed as separate simulations, and then linked together to run as single simulation model. The new interface features tabbed windows, one for each drawing, that are available in both drawing and simulation modes.
  • Multi-document allows you to run each drawing to a steady-state and save a startup file, prior to running them as a group. If done properly, this can save a lot of time in getting a large simulation to run in a stable condition. Multi-document makes it easier for individuals to collaborate on a large project.
  • A project file (filename.draproj) holds a list of drawing names and is used to launch CADSIM Plus in multi-document mode.

New Units

Standard Library:

  • ConnectIn and ConnectOut (connection units for multi-document drawings)

Improved Units

Standard Library:

  • Pump (added affinity laws)
  • PipePump and Valve (calculate outlet pressure when PRESSURE is not a stream variable)
  • Euler (added reset option)
  • StorageTowerTank and Mixer (add Age = VariableName and plant-wide product tracking capabilities)

Dynamic Data Reconciliation

  • New filter types (Integral and Savitzky Golay cubic polynomial)
  • Support for multiple filters (allows up to 5 filter types per measurement)
  • New objective functions (GaussianFairLorentzian and Contaminated Gaussian)
  • Faster than real-time catch-up (runs DDR faster than real time)
  • Improved measurement reports in .rec files


  • Right-click to toggle between single and multiple specifications

Error Messages

  • Added locate button to many error messages to help find the source of the problem

Runtime Factors

  • Added runtime access to some specified factors, such as linear, ratio etc. which can now be changed on the fly without returning to drawing mode.

Control Lines

  • Specification control lines can be globally set invisible. And when you click to select a specification, its control lines will appear temporarily while it is selected.

Reactions Editor

  • Added estimate heat of reaction based on reacting compounds

Simulation Time Units

  • Extended options for specifying the units of measure for simulated time, to include milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours and days